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3.孟母三迁 英语翻译






       1 笨鸟先飞the slow need to start early虽然不是天才可是咱知道笨鸟先飞! Our talent is not know but slow need to start early!

       2 趁热打铁。Make hay while the sun shines. 我们应该趁热打铁,一口气把此书写完。We should make hay while the sun shines and finish writing the book at a stretch.

       3 ?大海捞针look for a needle in a haystack ?在这座大城市里寻找一个人犹如大海捞针。Searching for one man in this big city is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

       4 ?沉默是金Silence is gold 记住:有时候沉默是金。Remember that sometimes silence is golden.

       5 ?光阴似箭 Time flies是的。真是光阴似箭啊!春天就要到了。Yes. How

       词 目笨鸟先飞 ( A slow sparrow should make an early start.)

       发 音bèn niǎo xiān fēi[1]

       释 义比喻能力差的人怕落后,做事比别人先动手。

       出 处元·关汉卿《陈母教子》第一折:“我和你有个比喻:我似那灵禽在后,你这等坌(笨)鸟先飞。”

       示 例女儿刻苦、自觉、用功,全靠~保持了各门功课全班第一。(毕飞宇《九层电梯》)

       用 法 作谓语、定语;比喻能力差的人加倍努力


       近义词 坌鸟先飞夯雀先飞慢鸟先飞


       常用程度:常用  感情色彩:褒义词  成语结构:主谓式  产生年代:古代  成语正音:鸟,不能读作“wū”。  成语辨形:鸟,不能写作“乌”。  成语谜面:最先飞进天罗地网


       《陈母教子》 元·关汉卿作。写宋代冯氏教子读经,三子先后皆中状元的故事。全剧共四折一楔子。




       塞翁失马Blessing or Bane










       Near China's northern borders lived a man well versed in the practices of Taoism. His horse, for no reason at all, got into the territory of the northern tribes. Everyone commiserated with him.

       "Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a blessing," said his father.

       After a few months, his animal came back, leading a fine horse from the north. Everyone congratulated him.

       "Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a cause of misfortune," said his father.

       Since he was well-off and kept good horses his son became fond of riding and eventually broke his thigh bone falling from a horse. Everyone commiserated with him.

       "Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a blessing," said his father.

       One year later, the northern tribes started a big invasion of the border regions. All able-bodied young men took up arms and fought against the invaders, and as a result, around the border nine out of ten men died. This man's son did not join in the fighting because he was crippled and so both the boy and his father survived.

孟母三迁 英语翻译

       守株待兔Sit back and waitSong is the state-owned farmer fields dig. Suddenly, he saw a hare from the adjacent grass sprang a panic, the one hit the child on Tanabe's stump, then down there in a motionless. Farmers take a look at the past: the rabbit was dead. Because it is running too fast to have hit off his neck (shé) of the. Farmers delighted, and he did not spend a little effort, they picked up a fat, white hare great. He thought to himself; if every day, picked up a hare and the days like before. Since then, he could no longer refuse to farming out the strength of the. Every day, he hoes on the side, lying on the stump on the child front, waiting for just the second, third only to hare up his son hit the stump. In the world can there be so many cheap things ah. Farmers of course, no longer picked up the hare killed and his land was lying fallow. 叶公好龙BelieSpring and Autumn Period, when there is a named Shen Ye County Chu Chu Liang's magistrate, we call him Yeh. Ye are like the dragon thing, whether it's ornaments, beams, windows, dishes, clothes, has a dragon pattern above, even the walls of his home, also painted a great big dragon well, we went into Ye's family thought went into the dragon palace, everywhere one can see the dragon logo! "My favorite is the dragon!" Ye said proudly to everyone. One day, Yeh something like the dragon was really heaven dragon know, the real dragon, said: "It was so fond of a rare dragon, I have to go visit his house to visit !" Real dragon fly from heaven Yeh's home, head reached into windows shouting, said: "Ye home?" Ye see a real dragon, frightened shouting: "wow! monster !" real dragon was very surprised and said: "how can you say that I am is the monster? I is your favorite dragon ! "Ye scared straight began to tremble, said:" I like things like the dragon's false dragon, not really Long ah, life-saving . "Yeh Huameishuowan , they quickly escaped out! Long left his face really upset to say: "Oh, Ye said, like the dragon that the matter was false, he is afraid of Dragon Well! Causing me to also fly to visit him!" 刻舟求剑Disregard the changing circumstances A Chu cross the river by boat, his sword from the ship fell into the water. He hastened to the ship on which are engraved along the a sign, saying: "My sword fell to go from here." Boat dock, it will help people along on the boat along the water to look for signs carved on the sword, but is also looking for a long time not be found. Vessel had been walking (driving) for a very long, but the sword will not be onboard the advance. Disregard the changing circumstances of the methods used to find the sword, is it not do a very confused? 滥竽充数Blending In ancient times, the emperor Xuan Qi-loving music, in particular, like to listen to blow Yu, Chen has 300 musicians are good at blowing Yu. King Xuan likes a little excitement, love swing pomp, has always been displayed in front of others to do the king's majesty, so every time the time to listen to blow Yu, always call the 300 individuals with ensemble for him.Have heard of King Xuan Guo south of this habit, that can take advantage of, is a good opportunity to make money, they went to King Xuan, go there and brag about, said: "King ah, I am a well-known musicians, after listening to my blow Yu people do not not be touched, that is, listening to birds and beasts will be dancing, flowers, listening to the beat will be co-quiver, I would like to dedicate my stunt king. "Xuan hear happy, without inspection, willingly accept it in him and that he also be allocated to support 300 people, blow Yu team.After that, South Guo on that 300 people together with the ensemble to the King Xuan, listening, and we enjoy the same preferential treatment, heart extremely proud.In fact, the South Guo sprinkled a lie, he simply will not be blowing Yu. Every performance, when the South Guo Yu mixed team on the holding, the people, he shook the body shake body, people Rocker Rocker he face an emotional ecstasy pretended to look, and it looks like everyone else playing quite in inputs, what flaws to really Qiao Buchu. Mr. Guo was so deceived by the South depended on Hunguo a day to day, doing nothing to white unsalaried.However, short-lived, over the years, want to hear ensemble Yu Xuan died, his son inherited the throne Qimin Wang. Qimin Wang Yu also like to hear wind, but not the same as he and King Xuan that the 300 is too noisy blowing together, far more melodious than solo Happy. So Qimin Wang issued an order, to which 300 individuals a good practice to prepare for, he will turn it to 300 people a month to blow Yu appreciate him. Upon receiving orders, the musicians have been actively practicing, we all want a go, only that for every one like a wok on the South Guo anxious ants and fear. After much deliberation, he felt that this mix is not passed no longer had to pack the night away. 南辕北辙PolaritiesToday, I come here on the way met a man by car north while the line, the man told me: "I want to go to the state of Chu." I asked him: "the state of Chu in the south, why should the north to go?" The man said: "Never mind, my horse is good, run fast." I reminded him: "Good horses are not useful, not to return to the state of Chu in the north direction to go." The man said: "My travel expenses more go again. "I any connection with him said:" The road toll for more than a useless, so that did not reach the state of Chu. "That people are still said:" It does not matter, I groom it will be the coachman. "hurry to get somewhere better in these conditions, the more respect from the state of Chu far. Now, King wants Chengjiubaye, and always want to get the prestige of the world. (However) relied on Wei's powerful and sophisticated army to attack Handan, to make the land expansion, particular sub-honorable, the king more such operations, it farther away from the establishment of Wang Ye-ah. 拔苗助长Destructive EnthusiasmOne Song those who think their crops grow slowly, it will be overstating seedlings Yi Keke. He tired to return home, his family said: "Today, tired, and I help the crops grow any taller 啦!" He said hurriedly into the ground to see his son, seedlings have withered.



       Mencius'mother is called Mencius' mother by the world.


       When Mencius was a child, he lived very close to the cemetery. Mencius learned something like worship and played funeral games. His mother said, "This place is not suitable for children to live in."


       So he moved his family to the market, and Mencius learned something to do business and slaughter. The mother thought again, "This place is still not suitable for children to live in."


       He moved his family to the school palace. Mencius learned the courtesy of bowing and retreating in court.


       Meng Mu said, "This is where the children live." It's here to settle down. When Mencius grew up, he learned six arts and gained the reputation of Confucianism. The gentleman thought that this was the result of Mencius'gradual education.









       There was a man crossing the river in the state of Chu. His sword fell into the water from the boat. He hurriedly marked the place where the sword fell with a knife on the side of the boat and said, "this is where my sword fell."?

       When the boat arrived at its destination, the man of the state of Chu jumped into the water from the place where he marked to look for the sword. The ship has already sailed, but the sword hasn't moved. Isn't it very confused to look for the sword like this?











       Today, I read the idiom "Yugong moves mountains". This story tells the story of an old man named Yugong who was nearly 90 years old in ancient times. Because there were two mountains at the door of his home, it was very inconvenient for his family to get in and out.


       So Yu Gong mobilized his family to remove the two mountains. In this way, Yu Gong and his sons and grandsons began to dig the mountain diligently. There was an old man named Zhisou who laughed at Yugong for being too stupid and thought that it was impossible to level the two mountains with his age and strength.


       But Yu Gong said, "when I die, I still have a son. When my son dies, I still have a grandson. There is no end to the generations. The mountain will not grow high. Are you afraid that you can't remove it?" Later, Yugong's sincerity and spirit moved the emperor, who sent two immortals to carry the two mountains. Yugong's wish finally came true.


       After reading this story, I learned that when I do anything, I must be persistent. I can't give up halfway. When I think about my study, I sometimes encounter problems that I can't do, so I don't want to do them. I just choose the problems that I can do. It's wrong to flinch when you encounter difficulties. Just like Yu Gong, you should not be afraid of difficulties, go forward bravely, and strive to overcome all kinds of difficulties in your study and life.





       Sitting by a Stump, Waiting for a Careless Hare

       In the Spring and Autumn Period, a former in the state of Song was one day working in the fields when he saw a rabbit bump into a tree stump accidentually and break its neck. The former took the rabbit home and cooked himself a delicious meal. That night he thought:"I neednt work so hard. All I have to do is wait for a rabbit each day by the stump." So from then on he gave up farming, and simply sat by the stump waiting for the rabbits to come and run into it.

       This idiom satirizes those who just wait for a stroke of luck, rather than making efforts to obtain what they need.
